No-knead pizza dough

No-knead pizza dough

Written 6 months ago

4 ingredients + 24 hours = incredible pizza. Crispy thin base, fluffy crust... Just try it.


• 750g Type 0 flour (don't use general purpose flour) • 24g salt (4.2 tsp) • 1/2 tsp of dry yeast • 525ml water


• Add all the dried ingredients into mixer. Mix until combined • Add water and mix until a sticky dough is formed • Let rest until doubled in size (16-24 hours) • Split into 4 equal parts (around 305g each) • Fold edges in until a tight ball is formed • (If storing) Place into individual plastic bags, and freeze now • (If eating) Stretch out the dough into plate size pizzas • Place onto a "pizza plate", liberally covered in cornflour (maize flour) • Top with tomato sauce and toppings (if using mozzarella, grate it, as chunks will not melt properly) • Bake in preheated over with pizza stone (at least 20 mins at temperature) for 10ish minutes • Let the cheese cool enough not to run before cutting • Enjoy!

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